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Tao Tantric Initiation for Women
Welcome to the Tao Tantric Online Initiation Module 1
Enter the Jade Lotus Temple (5:54)
Introduction (17:42)
Code of Ethics
Tao Tantric Initiation handbook, Module 1
Module 1, Week 1
Kuan Yin Mantra and Opening Invocation
Aligning between Heaven and Earth, Opening Movment (5:45)
The story of Kuan Yin (15:04)
Energetic Anatomy of the Sensual Woman: Part 1
Journal Contemplations
Module 1, Week 2
Lineage of the Tao Tantric Priestess (9:39)
Warm ups for meditation (16:23)
Menstrual Medicine Wheel (24:11)
Orgasmic Nutrition: Part 1
Tantric Breath Practice (18:24)
Module 1, Week 3
Self Love Qi Massage (4:11)
Dance of Polarity (9:38)
Five Element Theory (23:19)
Inner Smile Meditation (7:46)
Integration Week, Closing of Module 1 (2:02)
Module 2, Cleansing and Clearing the Sacred Channels of the Body
Welome to Module 2 (1:47)
Tao Tantric Initiation Handbook, Module 2
Journal Contemplations
Module 2, Week 1
Sensual Body Care (13:33)
Orgasmic Nutrition, Part 2
Introduction to Tao Tantric Qigong for Women (6:31)
Meridian Tracing, Acupuressure and Gua Sha Practice (38:32)
Energetic Anatomy of the Sensual Woman, Part 2
Module 2, Week 2
The six healing sounds (2:08)
The Lungs (10:29)
The Kidneys (8:59)
The Liver (8:32)
The Heart (9:22)
The Spleen/Stomach (9:07)
Triple Warmer (5:25)
Full Practice Quickie (5:23)
Module 2, Week 3
Introduction to the MicroCosmic Orbit (5:46)
Awakening the Orbit (36:20)
Water Cycle
The Wands of Light Ritual, Womb Healing (55:42)
Integration week, Closing module 2 (1:41)
Module 3, Activation of the Sacred Lotus
Welcome to Module 3 (4:26)
Tao Tantric Initiation Handbook, Module 3
Journal Contemplations
Module 3, Week 1
Transfiguration (16:35)
Tao Tantric Qigong for Activation (7:36)
This is the body of the Goddess Mediation
Energetic anatomy of the sensual woman, Part 3
Module 3, Week 2
Orgasmic Nutrition, Part 3
External Yoni Articulation, The Three Gates (17:02)
Internal Yoni Articulation, The Three Rings (26:30)
Sensory Awakening Rituals
Module 3, Week 3
Tantric Yes Breath and No Breath, Sacred Boundaries (10:34)
Chakra Exploration
Chakra Dance (17:18)
Qi Shaking Practice (6:32)
Integration week, closing module 3 (1:48)
Module 4, Cultivation
Welcome to Module 4 (3:26)
Tao Tantric Initiation Handbook, Module 4
Journal Contemplations
Module 4, Week 1
The Sacred Heart Meditation (16:55)
Great Heart and Womb Breathing Practice (7:45)
Sipping Earth Nectar (11:36)
Kidney Breathing (10:56)
Module 4, Week 2
Tao Tantric Qigong for Cultivation (3:08)
Secrets of the Breasts (8:08)
Breast Oil Recipe
Sacred Breast Care (10:00)
Qi Breast Massage (17:30)
Module 4, Week 3
Introduction to the Jade Egg Practice (6:33)
Jade Egg Care
Preparing the Jade Gate
Yoni De-Armoring (11:54)
Integration week, Closing module 4 (3:41)
Module 5, Sublimation of Sexual Energy
Welcome to Module 5 (3:47)
Tao Tantric Handbook, Module 5
Journal Contemplations, Roadblocks to Pleasure and Orgasm
Module 5, Week 1
Discernment and the Succulent Woman (8:47)
Energetic Anatomy of the Sensual Woman, Part 4
The art of sublimation
Ovarian Breathing and the Orgasmic Upward Draw (25:57)
Jade Egg Practice, Part 1 (14:53)
Module 5, Week 2
Tao Tantric Qigong for Sublimation (10:15)
Tantric Manifestation Ritual (13:14)
Jade Egg Practice, Part 2 (9:40)
Ovarian Compression Practice (18:48)
Module 5, Week 3
Sublimation Activation (32:12)
Five Element Jade Egg Practice
Sex Magic Ritual (5:39)
Integration Week, Closing Module 5 (2:29)
Module 6, Dual Cultivation
Welcome to Module 6
Tao Tantric Handbook, Module 6
Journal Contemplations, Love Language
Module 6, Week 1
Invitation for Partner Practice, Stepping into Power (10:34)
Partner Transfiguration
Alchemy of Love Meditation
Fears, Desires, Loves Partner Practice (10:10)
Module 6, Week 2
Partner Sensory Activation Ritual
Awakening the Microcosmic Orbit Partner Practice
Partner Jade Egg Practice
Harmonious Exchange Energy Practices (6:16)
Module 6, Week 3
7 Veils Practice (11:20)
Divine Lovemaking Ritual
Closing Ritual for the Initiation (15:06)
Completion Message from Feather
The six healing sounds
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